What's your favorite song?

I don't know if there's been a thread like this before, but I thought I'd start one just for fun!

You can name two songs: 1. Your All-Time favorite from any era, and 2. your favorite song right now (the flavor of the week, month, year, etc).

I'll start:

1. "Let it be" - The Beatles

2. TOSS-UP between: "Dance Inside" - All-American Rejects, or "1983" - Neon Trees
I can't think of any one song, but if I had to pick it would be one of Tupacs. The man was a lyrical genius, he could inspire you with his deep words or he could get you pumped up with his blunt use of reality. Many people may not like 'Pac, but I don't think anyone that really listened to his songs can't say he was just another gangsta rapper. He was something special, and despite his run-ins with the law (which were partly due to his upbringing in the 'hood) you just knew he had a good heart and was doing his best. I honestly think he could have changed the world, or in his words "spark the brain that will change the world".
Enough about the most talented lyricist ever.
Two songs of his that vary alot in his emotions. "Life goes on" and "keep ya head up".


Homer Fan Since 1985
Favorite of ALL-TIME (there is no close second) is:


I could not name even one song that is popular today. That comes from getting old. :p