Webber Who?

Don't know if anyone else saw this, but whoever brought that sign to Arco tonight is a coward and a punk and a lot of other words that I can't say on this board.

Otherwise, great job tonight Kings and the other fans @ Arco...and geat job tonight by CWebb in the 6ers game as well!
Well i'm pretty sure that person loved webber on the team. He was just proving a point that we can do just as well without webber on the team. The analysts mentioned that we're not a team without Webber, so he was just trying to prove them wrong.


^^^ or he was just being a jerk.... i doubt he was putting that much thought into it....
N.U.F.A.N. said:
Well i'm pretty sure that person loved webber on the team. He was just proving a point that we can do just as well without webber on the team. The analysts mentioned that we're not a team without Webber, so he was just trying to prove them wrong.

And you think that waving a sign around that says Webber Who shows love for him? I must have missed something.
Well, he just has faith in the new guys. With those who are now the Kings. There are a lot of people who can't let go of what was, and a lot of the analysts always point back to when we have Webber. It's just as NUFAN has said. I'm not going to applaud him of it, but I don't think he was trying to put Webber down any.
But hey...maybe its a response to what Barkley saying that we can't win without webber. I agree that its not the best sign out there but it's not necessarily putting down what Webber did for this team. I think that stage of "I miss webber" signs is over and just play with who we have now.
I'm glad I didn't see it. I was there for Webber's "homecoming" game and I think the fan reaction there is far more representative of how fans feel about Chris.
I remember seeing a sign when the sonics were taking a freethrow, and this dude was holding it upside down and yelling at ray allen i think it was. I couldnt stop cracking up because one... the sign was upside down, two... he was yelling at Ray allen with an upside down sign... 3.. ray allen made the freethrow in his face. haha

I can just imagine myself doing that.. i'd feel soo embarrassed.
I was at the game, and I'm glad I didn't see the sign. And, I think it was in very poor taste. Believing the team can win without Webb is one thing, and I know we all still believe in our team, but ignoring the huge contribution Webb made to who the Kings are today is well,... just very sad.
Great Night at ARCO

I'm really glad I didn't see the sign. The ARCO crowd was into the game and cheering for our team. Our guys gave us plenty to cheer about, even some very good defensive stops and steals. We had such a great time, seeing a sign like that would've really dampened a fun night. Whoever brought it, you've shown us your a**, now show some class and bring only POSITIVE energy to the games. :D

shame on you whoever made that horrible sign.

webber was such a great member of the kings, to insult him like that is beyond comprehension, and obviously made by a person who didn't know what the kings were like before webber was here.

such a nice way to thank webber for all he did here. :rolleyes:

Kings fans are generally more knowledgeable about basketball opinion than most so I'll give the fan the benefit of the doubt and say that the sign was intended to give Barkley a kick in the crotch. I gots no problem with that.
N.U.F.A.N. said:
Well i'm pretty sure that person loved webber on the team. He was just proving a point that we can do just as well without webber on the team. The analysts mentioned that we're not a team without Webber, so he was just trying to prove them wrong.
No offense NUFAN, but I think you may be just alittle too good natured at heart :).

What's the first thought someone has when they see a "Webber WHo" sign at a game? Is it a good or a bad thought? The point is the sign doesn't promote positive images or thoughts.

When you bring a "Webber Who" sign to a game you're saying that Webber is forgotten, that the Kings are much better off without him. Nothing could be more further from the truth. It's pure ignorance to for some stupid fan to bring a sign publicy insulting the best player Sacramento ever had. CWebb is the one who put the Kings on the map and he should be treated with respect. That fan is lucky I wasn't sitting next to him. What a complete jacka$$.
I was myself mad at the sign, but I think the fan meant that we are a strong club without Webber as it is. We are, but that was just plain ridiculous. Webber loved to be on this team and really wanted to win us one. He obviously didn't know what Webber mean to the Kings.
El Duque said:
Kings fans are generally more knowledgeable about basketball opinion than most so I'll give the fan the benefit of the doubt and say that the sign was intended to give Barkley a kick in the crotch. I gots no problem with that.

As a whole Kings fans are very good fans. However, there where always be an a$$hole not matter what city you're in. That sign was a tasteless show of disrespect for Webber ignoring everything he meant to the Kings. It's a wild stretch to assume the sign has no bad intentions for CWebb but is only a shot at Magic or Barkley. If that was the case, the sign should've said something to reference one of our 2 favorite analysts. That moronic fan belongs in Philly, not Sactown.
Why is everyone making excuses for the idiot that brought the sign? It obviously doesn't create any good feelings among Kings fans, the fan is just a jerk, someone who's very ignorant and not a true fan.
hoops4kings said:
Lame a**hole supposed fan. Needs to check himself for being a total idiot. What a piece of crap.
I agree. What did CWeb ever do to this "fan" except giving years of superb basketball playing as a King. He played well, departed with class, never said or did anything to offend the kings organization before or after he was traded. What else can you ever wish for? That "Webber who" was totally uncalled for.
ImaKingsFan said:
And you think that waving a sign around that says Webber Who shows love for him? I must have missed something.
Look.............. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Personally, I was also very upset when I saw the sign.:mad: And to me, that does not show any love for Webber what so ever. But, I guess in a way NUFAN is right. I mean I guess the person was just maybe trying to show the analysts that we don't need Webber anymore to be able to win. That we CAN win without him. In a way that sign didn't make people happy. But in another way, it did show something. That we can win withour Webber. But no matter what, Webber will ALWAYS be in our hearts no matter what. (unless your a new fan that is) And we will never forget him and all of the great things that he did for us. He helped us a lot. there's no doubt about that. Webber, We love you always and forever:D


Super Moderator Emeritus
Oh please...

ONE pathetic sign in Arco is meaningless. And the person was dumping on Webber. There isn't any other possible explanation... it wasn't someone clever. It was someone who didn't like Webber and, much like Ailene Voisin, had to take ONE MORE dig at him.

And you know what? It's not worth getting upset about. I'm really VERY sure Chris Webber couldn't possibly care less about one idiotic sign.

Look, the horse is dead. I think we can all quit beating it now...