Christopher Reeve died?!

I just read on one of the message boards thay I frequent (from UK) that he died. Here is the excerpt:

"Nikki Finke in Los Angeles is reporting that actor Christopher Reeve is dead, according to sources close to the actor. He died suddenly Sunday. News of his death has not been reported publicly yet. His family will make an announcement Monday at the earliest. Reeve was just mentioned Friday in the second live presidential debate by John Kerry. Noting he was a friend of the paralysed Reeve, Kerry said he was in favor of further stem cell research because Reeve could walk again one day thanks to such science. "

Anyone else heard this? News search didn't return much, but makes sense if it is not publicly announced yet.

If true, RIP .... if not it was a mean rumor.
Yes, you're correct. It was run on ABC as a special alert.

Yes, it's a sad day. He was a great actor and humanitarian. It's good that he was able to get so many people and funding involved with stem cell research and spinal cord injuries.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I am extremely sad to hear this. I know that he strongly believed that with the right research he would walk again. He was a courageous man.

R.I.P Mr. Christopher Reeves. aka Superman.

I was glad to see him do a couple of episodes of Smallville. Made it even more enjoyable.

My condolences to his family.