Telemachus Prediction Game 2016-17: (Prediction-) Game Over!! See You in a New Thread Next Season

Can't type much, as I'm driving
(Stopped on the side of the road, don't worry).



We had a nice turn-up of 19 KFs, all of which predicted a W
(Not a rare thing... It happened 6 times this season).
The cherry on top was a surprising late newcomer!
Welcome @Catasic!!

@New Era predicted the one-point W and won the night with 70
(First daily win! congrats!)
@Tetsujin and our newbie @Catasic missed the Lakers score by 1
and took daily 2nd and 3rd places, with 51 and 50 respectively.

Daily wins this season:

Season race

Not much movement across the field, as most of us scored pretty evenly tonight
(besides the fellas missing out on the night's prediction like @gil renard, @peacelate, @King Baller, @Ugolino, @LA King Fan II and @Glenn).

There was no change at the very top, so @alonshin still leads, followed by @KingsFanSince85, @LoungeLizard and @Telemachus (all from a safe distance).

@Tetsujin swapped place with @CVKingsfan at 6th/7th,
@New Era passed @King Baller, @ockingsfan and @sono on his way to #22,
and the rookie, @Catasic, made his/her initial entry straight to #37.

The leaderboard:

The season long score-sheet:
Last edited:
In case you wondered who had the best average results per prediction so far...

KingsFan ................... Games …... Average
...................................... predicted.. per pred.

1. @KingsFanSince85 ....... 44 …..……. 34.20
2. @lwc .............................. 19 …..……. 33.05
3. @alonshin ..................... 53 …..……. 31.87
4. @gil renard .................... 31 …..……. 31.26
5. @km23 .......................... 32 …..……. 30.19
6. @LoungeLizard ............. 53 …..……. 28.34
7. @chief bromden ............ 36 …..……. 28.25
8. @SLAB .......................... 40 …..……. 28.10
9. @origkds ........................ 40 …..……. 27.15
10 @Tetsujin ...................... 53 …..……. 27.00
11 @Ron ............................. 55 …..……. 26.64
12 @Telemachus ................ 56 …..……. 26.30
13 @Tomcat ....................... 39 …..……. 26.26
14 @CVKingsfan ................. 55 …..……. 25.93
15 @The Hammer ............... 18 …..……. 24.33
16 @bubulina ...................... 36 …..……. 23.47
17 @VF21 ............................ 54 …..……. 23.30
18 @Spike ........................... 25 …..……. 22.04
19 @Suicide King ................ 35 …..……. 20.86
20 @gunks .......................... 20 …..……. 19.65
21 @Russell Pimphustler ..... 15 …..……. 19.33

1/4 of all predictions (14 of 56)
